Main Fork Hikes
Trails off the Beartooth Highway (US 212) up the Main Fork of Rock Creek
Distance from Red Lodge 4mi -11mi
Beartrack Trail
This trailhead is eight miles south of Red Lodge on Highway 212, on the right side of the road, signed “Beartrack Trailhead.” It is about three miles and 3,000’ up to the Silver Run Plateau. The first 1,500’/one mile are through open hillsides with great views of the Rock Creek valley. On the Plateau, the trail connects with the Silver Run Trail and the continuation of the Beartrack Trail to Silver Run Lakes and the Timberline Lake Trail. This trail has recently been improved by MCC crews partially funded by Beartooth Trails.
Corral Creek Trail
Four miles south of Red Lodge on Hwy 212, turn left on the East Side Road; drive three miles to the Corral Creek Trailhead. (Parking lot and trail sign are on your left, across the road from Rattin Campground). Take the trail behind the small sign and continue directly across the driveway. About ¼ mile on the trail you will cross another driveway…look for small “Trail” signs in the immediate area to again get you on the trail. This pleasant uphill walk follows the creek to the Line Creek Plateau (over 3,000’ and three+ miles), with several nice destinations along the way; great views of the 2000 Willie Fire down valley.
Lake Fork Trail
Eight and a half miles south of Red Lodge, turn right/west off Highway 212 at the “Lake Fork” sign. This paved road goes two miles to the trailhead. It is a pleasant uphill grade along the creek and in the forest, three miles/800’ to Broadwater; four miles/1,300’ to Lost Lake; 5½ miles/2,000’ to Black Canyon Lake; or six miles/1,500’ to Keyser Brown Lake. The trail continues up to September Morn Lake and Sundance Pass. (No bikes).
(There is also a 1+ mile/300’ trail from Lions Camp to the Lake Fork trailhead on the east side of Lake Fork Creek. About 1 ¼ mi. from Hwy. 212, park beside the road on your left, and look for a foot bridge below the road, crossing the creek to that short trail.)
Mt. Maurice Trail
Four miles south of Red Lodge on Hwy. 212, turn left/east onto the East Side Road (or park at the Rock Creek Resort and walk across the footbridge to the East Side Road). About ½ mile from the highway, on the East Side Road, turn left on a dirt road and park. Walk up this road a short way and open the gate…you are on the trail. It is a pleasant uphill hike through open and forested land, continuing three miles & 3,000’ to the Line Creek Plateau. There are nice destinations along the way, and the lower section has great views of the valley.
Glacier Lake Trail
Ten and one-half miles south of Red Lodge on Highway 212, turn right/west at the “campgrounds” sign; continue on this paved road about ½ mile, across Wyoming Creek bridge, past the Limberpine campground, then left on the gravel road where it forks. Drive 7 ½ miles on this very rough road to the Glacier Lake trailhead. It is 1 ½ miles/1,100’ to Glacier Lake through rocky, alpine terrain with high, granite cliffs in the background. (No bikes, no horses).
Parkside Rec. Trail
Ten and one-half miles south of Red Lodge on Highway 212, turn right/west at the “campgrounds” sign; turn right again less than ¼ mile in and park in the first parking lot; look for the Parkside Recreational Trail sign on the south side of the lot. This trail is less than two miles of gentle, mostly open terrain, paralleling Rock Creek. Another short hike (1/4 mile) goes from nearby Greenough Campground to Greenough Lake.